Financial Intelligence Boardgame

Financial Intelligence Boardgame

Learn about financial intelligence through a casual and fun board game setting. Meet like-minded people and exchange ideas about finances.

By Financial Board Game Group


Boyd Community Hub

207 City Road Southbank, VIC 3006 Australia

About this event

"If time and money wasn't an obstacle, what would you like to accomplish in life?" Instantaneously, we think of dreams we would like to achieve eg. travelling around the world, owning the dream car and house, investments, doing charity, to do favourite past times and hobbies, building a side hustle, and etc.

All these would only be possible if you are smart with money. :)

How would you like to play board games that teach you how to be smarter with your money? We will be playing two types of financial intelligence boardgames:

1. The Cashflow Game, designed by the successful entrepreneur Robert Kiyosaki and author of the best-selling book Rich Dad, Poor Dad. This game introduces us to basic financial concepts and accounting principles by gamifying our financial choices. It has been used by many investment companies and entrepreneur education programs to shape mindset and apply concepts, as it creates a simulation of the real-world environment.

2. The Wealthshare Game, developed in 2021. It is an innovative game developed by Lin Wei Xian and his team, who developed the popular "Money&You" course. It takes inspiration from real-life experiences and revolves around four key circles: Reality Wealth, Happiness Wealth, Wealth within Wealth, and Challenges. Players navigate these circles, experiencing the challenges and rewards of wealth accumulation, pursuing happiness, and working towards their dreams. Drawing on core concepts from the "Money&You" course, the game includes elements such as market dynamics, communication strategies based on DISC personality traits, and overcoming life's setbacks. Additionally, players engage in simulated investments across various domains, from financial markets to real estate and entrepreneurship. The "Wealth Compass" offers an immersive and enlightening experience that helps individuals develop a deeper understanding of wealth, happiness, and the path to success.

In the words of Robert Kiyosaki: Make money work hard for you and get out of the rat race!

Come and join us for a fun and friendly session where you can learn financial intelligence and network with other money-savvy people. Don’t miss this chance to level up your finances and have a blast!


  • Principal's Office, at Boyd Community Hub, Southbank (207 City Road, Southbank VIC 3006)
  • Light refreshments included


  • 14:00 - 17:00

Wealth share game 财富罗盘

Cashflow game

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