Decompression Session | THE WELL HUB - Breathwork Studio

Decompression Session | THE WELL HUB - Breathwork Studio

A weekly online breathwork session to help you decompress from the stressors of life by learning how to regulate your breath, body and mind.

By The Well Hub

Select date and time

Wednesday, May 15 · 3 - 3:45am PDT



Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event


A weekly Breathwork Class brought to you by The Well Hub.

Facilitated by Ben Jenkins.

How’s your breathing right now? Is it slow and smooth and deep into your lungs?

Or is it short, shallow and through your upper chest?

How do you feel? Are you grounded, relaxed and focused?

Or are you feeling irritable, anxious, and impatient?

If it’s the latter, in either case, you are likely to be stuck in a cycle of stress.

This is where BREATHWORK can help.

The daily pressures of life - work, family, kids, money worries – all have the power to trigger us into the fight or flight response. The sympathetic nervous system is engaged, your heart rate and breathing rates are up and cortisol and other hormones are coursing through your body getting you ready to defend from threat.

This is not a negative. This is a survival mechanism designed to protect you from harm.

The problem is that the perceived threats from our modern world that your body is acknowledging are coming thick and fast throughout the day. The report your boss is pushing you for, thoughts of not being enough, the tantrum your toddler is throwing, the mortgage payments, the car that cut you off in traffic this morning are all triggering this response. And unless you’re completing these cycles of stress your body is continuing to perceive threat.

Continually running at this speed without a break to complete the cycles is a negative. And drinking alcohol, slumping on the couch to watch NETFLIX after a long day, or mindlessly scrolling on your phone is not the answer. That is simply avoidance.

This is why we have crafted the DECOMPRESSION SESSION from THE WELL.


Ben Jenkins is a trained BREATHWORK FACILITATOR through the BREATHLESS school. The techniques and BREATH FLOW’S he creates are aimed at decompressing from the high stress states we regularly find ourselves in and completing the cycles of stress.

But they offer more than that. They are also aimed at helping you to become more resilient to these modern-day stressors. The techniques are grounded in science but recognise the power that lies within you through consistent practice.

Ben’s breath flows will take you on a journey that will allow you to acknowledge where you’re at. Allowing you to be with the sensations you feel and show you the greater window of tolerance you can access for the emotions that arise through these stressors. In turn the greater tolerance you can have within for the daily ups and down of life.

In essence Ben offers a gentle yet dynamic experience aiding in balancing your emotions, improving your mental clarity, building resilience and benefitting your physical health.


• Deep relaxation

• Reduce anxiety and stress

• Improve sleep and wellbeing

• Increase energy

• Improved clarity and focus

• Release trauma and trigger patterns

• Release trapped emotions held in the body

• Rebalance the central nervous system

• Release of blockages and build-up of tension in the body

CONTRAINDICATIONS (these are considered for your safety):

• Cardiovascular problems, including history of heart attacks

• High or abnormal blood pressure

• Glaucoma or retinal detachment

• Recent surgery or physical injury

• Pregnancy

• Epilepsy or history of seizures

• Bipolar depression, schizophrenia, psychosis

• Persons with asthma should have their inhaler with them and consult with their primary care physician prior to the session

Frequently asked questions

How do I prepare for an online session?

Ensure you are setup in a quiet space where you won't be interrupted. Bring water, headphones if you prefer, and a blanket if you get cold. Set yourself up in a comfy position. Either on a bed, couch or yoga mat on the floor

Do I need experience in breathwork to attend?

No. These sessions are designed for beginners and those more experienced with breathwork alike.

Is there anything that will exclude me from doing breathwork?

Most breathwork practices can be performed by anyone. However, the faster breathing practices and breatholds are a little different. Please refer to contraindications above.

Organized by

Welcome to The Well, a community and membership devoted to helping you live your best, most intentional life with conscious self care and wellness.

Through our membership and events, you’ll find tools, guidance, and sacred insights that will allow you to cultivate greater resilience and peace — essential traits for thriving in our bustling modern world!

The Well Hub is a place where anyone may come to get in touch with their intuition. To find clarity, purpose and wisdom. We don’t believe in velvet ropes and exclusivity — we all deserve to learn how to find more peace, happiness, and connection within ourselves.

Our goal? To support you in discovering your inner truths, fulfilling your deepest needs, and finding new confidence and clarity — because the tools for living a good life should be accessible to everyone.

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