International Women's Day Webinar 2023

International Women's Day Webinar 2023

Celebrating women and how we can be our best without burning out in the process in this special lunchtime webinar.

By Jess Stuart - Author & Coach

Date and time

Monday, March 6, 2023 · 3:30 - 4:30pm PST



About this event

To celebrate International Women's Day this year I'll be sharing some of my most popular work, with some special prizes and offers for attendees too this is a must see.

"Women hold up half the sky" Chinese proverb - and it's often hard work! I love the chance to celebrate all that makes us great and share advice and insights into how we overcome the many challenges that can get in the way.

Whether that's working too hard, doubting ourselves, comparing to others, worrying what others think, feeling like we're not good enough or just stuck on the treadmill of always trying to do more and better, be perfect.

A combination of wisdom from my two popular books; the Superwoman Survival guide and Burnout to Brilliance this webinar will give you insights into:

  • Owning your feminine superpowers (regardless of your gender)
  • Navigating the negativity bias to leverage your strengths
  • Building self-efficacy and owning your space to stand in your power
  • Ensuring you're a sustainable resource and can burn bright not burn out
  • How to handle fear and comparison
  • The art of slowing down to speed up

I'll be sharing the science, my own lived experience and personal stories to inspire and motivate you to be your best without burning out in the process.

Celebrate IWD with me this year in this uplifting, empowering lunch hour.

Did your organisation forget to organise anything to mark IWD? Then forward this link to your team for others to join. All are welcome along regardless of gender.

Organized by

Author, international speaker and experienced coach, a senior leader herself with a background in Senior Human Resources roles and a decade working in leadership development.

A brush with burnout in her corporate career lead Jess across the world to train with Buddhist monks and Nuns. A decade later, after coming out, writing six books and running her own successful business she shares what she knows about mind-set, resilience and self-belief to empower people to unlock their potential.

I help busy high achievers go from burnout to brilliance, to cultivate a mindset of peak performance, lead with confidence, fuel our tanks to ensure we are a sustainable resource and can achieve our potential to have influence and impact.

Described as inspiring, articulate and relatable by audiences. Jess has a passion for sharing her knowledge and motivating others with her words.

Sought after motivational speaker and author of six books. Jess’s workshops and programmes share a holistic approach to personal growth, that encourages individuals to cultivate self-awareness, embrace their emotions and experiences, and connect with others in a meaningful and authentic way

Find out more via the website

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