FSAI Surabaya Closing Night Reception: "Ali's Wedding" + The Letter

FSAI Surabaya Closing Night Reception: "Ali's Wedding" + The Letter

By Festival Sinema Australia Indonesia

Date and time

Sun, 28 Jan 2018 5:00 PM - 8:30 PM WIB


Cinema XXI Pakuwon Mall

5 Jalan Raya Lontar Sambikerep, Jawa Timur 60216 Indonesia


Closing Night Reception - Pakuwon Mall XXI Espresso Bar - 5pm to 6pm

Indonesian Premiere of "Ali's Wedding" - 6.30pm to 8.30pm

Dewasa/17+ | Sutradara/Director: Jeffrey Walker
110’ | Bahasa Inggris | Australia | 2017
(Mohon maaf teks Bahasa Indonesia tidak tersedia)

Setelah sebuah kebohongan yang menyebabkan serangkaian kejadian buruk, Ali, anak dari seorang Ulama Muslim harus memilih antara pengabdian terhadap keluarga atau mengikuti hatinya. ALI'S WEDDING adalah kisah tentang cinta dan kewajiban yang penuh kasih sayang.

After a reckless lie sets off a catastrophic chain of events, Ali, the son of a Muslim cleric, finds himself caught between his sense of duty to his family and following his heart. ALI’S WEDDING is an affectionate and entertaining story of love and duty.

The Letter (Finalis Kompetisi Film Pendek FSAI) - Remaja/13+

Seorang ayah tinggal bersama anaknya setelah sang istri meninggal, ia berharap agar anak semata wayang mereka dapat menjaganya. Namun akhirnya sang anak keluar kota untuk bekerja. Seiring kehidupan sang anak yang semakin sibuk komunikasipun menjadi lebih sulit, walaupun dengan bantuan sebuah handphone baru.

A father who lived with his son for years after his wife passed away is now hoping for his only son to look after him. However the son leaves to work out of town. As the son’s life becomes busier it is harder to keep in touch, even with a brand new mobile phone.

For updates follow @KonJenSurabaya on Instagram

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